Meaningful Mentoring at Empower

As a line manager, you'll be giving the team continual guidance and direction, and creating cultures of feedback that help everyone, including you, grow. You'll be seeking to influence in all directions, to ensure relationships remain strong and people are playing to their strengths. A mentoring mindset will be key to your confidence and capability, and the workshops and resources shared here will help you to build one.

Mentoring skills at Empower

Live courses and helpful resources


Workshop: Having Effective 1-1s

1-1s are inclusive spaces to set goals and create mutual understanding and trust with direct reports. And, with the right guidance, they're turbo-chargers of productivity, purpose and positivity. In this virtual and hands-on session, we'll work through the cornerstones of an effective 1-1's, share the science backed drivers of engagement, and show you exactly how to get the most from them.


Workshop: Owning Feedback

In modern working cultures, feedback is a must-have; the ultimate learning tool. It's something we must continually improve our ability to share and to absorb at all times. As well as landing it clearly with those around us, we've got to regularly pull it in, rather than waiting for it to be pushed our way. By the end of this session — led by coach, facilitator Katy Kent — you'll feel more confident and capable to effectively give and receive performance enhancing feedback, positively impacting your most important relationships.


eCourse: Meaningful Mentoring

This 15 minute eCourse sets you up with practical tools for asking great mentoring questions and setting goals with you direct reports.

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Evolve Your Inner Mentor

A short, reflective exercise, taken from the pages of Julie Starr's The Mentoring Manual, for finding and embracing your unique, personal mentoring style, and discovering steps to bring more of it into your day-to-day relationships.

Micro-Learning: Getting Into a Growth Mindset
Micro-Learning: Getting Into a Growth Mindset

In terms of self-development a growth mindset is a lot of things, but chiefly it's the power to stop saying 'never,' and start saying 'not yet.' Instilling a growth mindset among your team is one of the best ways to help them set goals for themselves, personally or professionally, and start taking action to reach them. But, first, you'll have to lead by example and adopt one yourself. This five day micro learning course boils down the behavioural science and best practices into a daily dose of development goodness in the form of a short experiment for you to apply across the week.

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