360 Influence

In your role, you'll be influencing in all kinds of directions; teams, clients, your own manager and more. And good influence is invisible, openly finding its way into everyday interactions and the ways we mobilise and motivate others.

Influencing well at Empower

Workshops to join, resources to explore

Charm Pair

eCourse: Charm School

This short (like 20 minutes short) online course digs into the behaviours of 'the charming ones', examining the things we can do to purposefully bring a bit more charm to our own relationships. And then you'll put it all into glorious practice in your next influential interactions among the Empower team.

Strengths Pair

Tool: Strengths to Influence

This 10-minute tool is based on an exercise in our Iive workshops on influencing skills. It's an interesting angle, as it invites you to first reflect on your strengths and how you can use them more authentically and intentionally to influence those around you.

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Try: A Five Minute Favour

“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.”
So said Amelia Earhart. And this super simple daily ritual for creating and nurturing connection, shared by Helen Tupper and Sarah Ellis in their brilliant book You Coach You, is a perfectly practical tool for bringing the quote to life.

Micro-Learning: Influencing Well
Micro-Learning: Influencing Well

We've designed a course of micro-learning doses for you, distributed directly to your inbox over a five consecutive days; each offering up an insight, activity or experiment for immediate application. Over the course of the week you'll feel your influence compounding, your thinking stretched, and you'll feel armed with powerful, purposeful tools to apply again and again.

Sign up for the micro-learning