DE&I at Empower

Teams thrive with a rich range of minds, backgrounds and modes of thinking. Understanding the harm that our built in biases can make to psychological safety in our teams, and actively mitigate them, is crucial to our collaborative success. That's what this pathway is all about; getting intentional with our curiosity, kindness and allyship in the day to day, and practically bringing each and every voice into our meetings and brainstorming sessions.

Think inclusively

Courses and resources to try these coming months

Toby ducie

Workshop: Conscious Inclusion

As part of our ongoing collaboration with D&I architect, and author of Inclusive Growth, Toby Mildon — this session is designed to help us understand our biases, and identify proactive techniques to counter them in our everyday interactions. Toby takes us through a powerful model called SEEDS, and arms us with a short checklist to keep to hand for everyday inclusion.


Workshop: Neurodiversity Awareness for Managers

Focused at managers but really for anyone keen to understand how and why to support our neurodivergent team members, the aim of this 90 minute session led HR and Neurodiversity subject expert Dr. Anne Cockayne, is to increase understanding of neurodiversity and provide practical approaches to behavioural and environmental adjustments that will better support neurodivergent colleagues. And as we'll discover, they'll ultimately benefit everyone else too.


eCourse: Neurodiversity knowledge check

This 10-minute tool is intended to raise awareness, inspire curiosity and further conversation around the topic of neurodiversity — helping us all to think smarter about those who think differently. You'll sense check your current level of knowledge and arm yourself with a good sense of where to dig deeper next.

4 Ds

Experiment: The 4Ds

Psychologically safe work environments rely on our ability to open conversation around interactions that make us, and others, feel uncomfortable, excluded or offended. This framework can help you be intentional and considered in the way you approach doing just that.


Tone Policing - What it is, why it's unhelpful and how to helpfully notice it.

Tone policing is not always done with a toxic intention, but it's always unhelpful when safe and inclusive cultures are sought. Here we share some more insights into the concept, some examples of it in effect and ideas for how to purposefully challenge it.


In Conversation with Toby Mildon

In this exclusive YCN interview, Toby Mildon - founder of DE&I consultancy Mildon, author of best-selling book Inclusive Growth, host of popular podcast The Inclusive Growth Show— shares actionable insights on bias awareness, getting practical with data and why diverse teams always win.


The Effective Allyship Course Pack

Designed to be dipped in and out of, this smorgasbord of videos, podcasts, books and articles has been hand-curated by Effective Allyship coach and facilitator Abi Adamson and YCN.


In Conversation with Abi Adamson

Abi Adamson - DE&I expert, founder of The Diversity Partnership, and coach and facilitator for our Privilege and Microaggressions workshops - shares her perspective on opening in-office dialogues, being an inclusive leader, and the impact of important conversations beyond work hours.

Micro-learning: Effective Allyship
Micro-learning: Effective Allyship

Developed alongside Abi Adamson at the Diversity Partnership; this positive and purposeful course of micro-learning is for anyone keen to deepen their understanding of the opportunity for greater allyship and advocacy at work. Through five micro-learning doses of experimental learning, shared via email over the course of a week, you'll experience and reflect on actionable steps towards being a better ally and advocate in your own work context.

Sign up for the micro-learning