Dealing with awkward encounters

When interactions with clients or other team members becomes uncomfortable, how do we navigate them? With this selection of courses and resources, you'll equip yourself with the knowledge and know-how to find common ground and look for opportunities for learning.

Navigating awkward encounters at Empower

Workshops and resources

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In conversation: Sarah Naidoo-Banks

Organisational psychologist, facilitator and constructive conflict coach Sarah Naidoo-Banks, discusses why conflict, feedback and awkward encounters are gifts, and why work cultures that embrace imperfection thrive in this YCN exclusive interview.

Charm Pair

eCourse: Charm School

This short (like 20 minutes short) online course digs into the behaviours of 'the charming ones', examining the things we can do to purposefully bring a bit more charm to our own relationships and temper awkward encounters. And then you'll put it all into glorious practice in your next influential interactions among the Empower team.


The Constructive Conflict Course Pack

A curated list of external videos, articles, podcasts and books on successfully dealing with conflict. Dive in today and start experimenting.

Micro learning: Getting into a Growth Mindset
Micro learning: Getting into a Growth Mindset

In terms of self-development, a growth mindset is a lot of things, but chiefly it's the power to stop saying 'never,' and start saying 'not yet.' Instilling a growth mindset is one of the best ways to help set yourself goals, personally or professionally, and start taking action to reach them. This five day micro learning course boils down the behavioural science and best practices into a daily dose of development goodness in the form of a short experiment for you to apply across the week.

Sign up today