Clarity in Communication

Clear and compelling communication will be key in all kinds of contexts for line managers at Empower. Whether building support internally, presenting ideas to clients or expression in creative execution, you’ll be continually developing and demonstrating an understanding of succinct and motivating words and actions.

Live workshops and on-demand resources

Sharper communication starts here

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Workshop: Purposeful Presenting

Many of us don't look forward to speaking publicly. But we're often called on to do so — formally or informally; to big groups or small ones; on screens and in rooms — often aiming to get people on board to our point of view. This two-hour session is for those seeking to continually improve their communication skills when it comes to presenting, with lots of new tools and techniques to take away, try and apply, virtually and in-person. See coming session dates below.


Workshop: Writing Well with Vikki Ross

"If I had more time I would write a shorter letter". So, famously, wrote Mark Twain. Enjoy some experiential expertise on better writing, and take away new tools and techniques (from concision to rhythm) to apply the next time you need to communicate clearly with someone. In this highly practical session led by copywriting maestro Vikki Ross, we'll explore some proven principles of great writing, and turn them into activities and exercises you can use again and again.

Listening Pair

eCourse: Are You Listening?

Good communication doesn't just mean your ability to 'transmit.' It requires you to listen deeply and intentionally to everyone around you, especially to your direct reports. This 20 minute eCourse builds the skills to do just that; impacting your relationships with all around you. Find a quiet corner and try it today.


Experiment with Springboard Stories

This powerful tool, taken from the pages of Stephen Denning's The Leader's Guide to Storytelling, is a great way to communicate complex ideas in a way that rallies the troops and gets you all on the same page. This punchy resource goes through the nuts and bolts of a springboard story, complete with examples of our own, and gives you the know how to create one yourself.

Micro-Learning: Writing Well
Micro-Learning: Writing Well

In the increasingly-hybrid world of work, clarity in your writing has never been more important. Whether it's a Slack update or follow up, or guidance to a peer or team member, the choices we make in the words we use make a real difference to what happens next. To help you continually sharpen these skills, we've designed this self-directed micro-learning course with a daily dose of writing experimentation dropped in your inbox over five consecutive days.

Sign up for the micro-learning