Appraisals at Empower

Appraisals are an amazing chance to celebrate achievements, identify areas of self-development, and chart next steps. But, whether you're an appraiser or an appraisee, it's crucial to brush up on some key soft-skills if you want to make the most of them. In this pathway, you'll find a hand-picked selection of workshops and resources to supercharge your next appraisal, from listening skills to giving and receiving feedback.

Key Appraisal Skills

Yours to explore over the coming months


Workshop: Owning Feedback

In modern working cultures, feedback is a must-have; the ultimate learning tool. It's something we must continually improve our ability to share and to absorb at all times. As well as landing it clearly with those around us, we've got to regularly pull it in, rather than waiting for it to be pushed our way. By the end of this session — led by coach, facilitator Katy Kent — you'll feel more confident and capable to effectively give and receive performance enhancing feedback, positively impacting your most important relationships.


Workshop: Having Effective 1-1s

1-1s are inclusive spaces to set goals and create mutual understanding and trust within our teams. And, with the right guidance, they're turbo-chargers of productivity, purpose and positivity. In this virtual and hands-on session, we'll work through the cornerstones of an effective 1-1's, share the science backed drivers of engagement, and show you exactly how to get the most from them.

Listening Pair

eCourse: Are You Listening?

Good communication doesn't just mean your ability to 'transmit.' It requires you to listen deeply and intentionally to everyone around you, especially to your direct reports. This 20 minute eCourse builds the skills to do just that; impacting your relationships with all around you. Find a quiet corner and try it today.

Good Qs

Experiment: Curious Questions for Appraisals

When it comes to questions, you get out what you put in. Considered, well-framed questions lead to insightful and propelling answers, making the art of questioning key to the success of any mentoring relationship. But what makes a good question? And what kinds of questions tease out actionable next steps? In this handy resource we’ll work through some examples, demonstrate some helpful reframing and leave you clearer on how to get curious with purpose.


eCourse: Go with GROW

For both appraiser and appraisee, the GROW model is an essential tool for any conversation where growth and goals are front of mind. Take the 10-minute eCourse today to supercharge your chats and set the steps in motion to reach your development goals.